All mummies are an inspiration in themselves. We bring to you a side of them that are raw and honest, drizzled with a bit of humor.
We have a non-judgemental, supportive community of mummies. Take the positives and leave the negatives. And more importantly, lets hold each other up through this wonderful journey called motherhood.
says "Don't let age or conventional standards stop you from enjoying family life."
says "I had never envisioned myself becoming a mother."
says, “No mother should go through breastfeeding struggles alone like I did.”
says, “During my pregnancy, I was constantly worried because one twin was much smaller than the other.”
says, "Show yourself some grace as a mother, because when you can show grace to yourself, you'll have the capacity to show grace to others."
says, "We are all doing the best we can, whatever your motherhood journey might look like."
says "Try to stay as stress-free and happy as possible, even when you are trying for a baby."
says: "You absolutely, 100% will NOT enjoy parenting every age, and that’s OK."
says: "We don't have to be perfect mums."
says “We can decide what kind of advice we want to adopt.”
says "advocate for yourself, cut out the noise, trust your mother’s intuition and do you".
says: "Being a mother of three adorable girls of different temperaments, I go through forty states in a day".
"There is no fixed way or the best way to do things. You just do what works for you".
says "Take all the help you can get from family and friends. Don't be hard on yourself".
Find out how this entrepreneur mummy found support during pregnancy.
"Get to know your babies even while they are still in your belly".