October 05, 2017 3 min read

Well, despite the fact that every pregnancy is unique, there are certain common symptoms that most mothers-to-be are likely to experience, whether it’s the first trimester, the second, or the third. The second trimester, more so, is strikingly similar in most mothers because of its calm nature. This is why it is often called the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy. Most expectant mothers feel that things seemed more normal and more intense, both at the same time.

Second Trimester of Your Pregnancy

So, here are some of the most common symptoms for the second trimester:

Subsidence of Nausea

Subsidence of Nausea

This is one triumphant moment in your journey to maternity. While nausea may fail to leave you during the entire first three months, the second semester brings the much-needed respite. It may or may not disappear completely, but it may certainly subside. You could still suffer from indigestion, but a vitamin B6 supplement prescription from your OBGYN may be able to resolve it quickly.

The new discomfort, however, may be a peculiar ache in the abdomen. It is because the fetus needs more room, and so the tummy grows. 

Quickening/Baby Movements

Quickening/Baby Movements

Now is when you feel the first signs of life in your womb. Priceless! This is the time when your doctor may be able to detect your baby’s heartbeat. Quickening is the term used for the phenomenon when your baby starts to move in your tummy. You may also experience bumps. That’s just your baby having hiccups. And, that is, as normal as it is amusing.

Evident Baby Bump

The body is sure to start changing now. Those who may have been thinking till now that you are probably growing a tummy due to lack of exercise will now be sure of your pregnancy. Weight gain will become more conspicuous, and the baby bump will be very visible. Time for some investment in maternity clothes!

Also, you may notice some stretch marks around the belly and the waist. Make sure that you keep the skin moisturized with a natural moisturizer like coconut oil. Most of these will, though, lighten after childbirth.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of Breath

You may experience shortness of breath after as tiny physical activity as going to the bathroom. Don’t worry; it’s fine. As the uterus increases in size, it takes up a lot of space, thus crowding the lungs. This is why the lungs have to work harder, resulting in breathlessness. Nevertheless, if you feel that the intensity is too severe, please consult the doctor right away.

Sex Drive May Come Back

Sex Drive May Come Back

Good news for your partner—your sex drive is likely to return by this time. Suddenly, after a three-month long ordeal, you’ll finally feel a bit comfortable in your body. The fourth and fifth months may make you experience a lot more sexuality than before because of the estrogen overload.

Pssst, your ovaries are actually capable of producing three times as much estrogen during this time than they do in a non-pregnant woman. So, it’s natural to feel aroused. And some women may also be lucky enough to experience multiple orgasms for the very first time in their lives.

Enjoy this “honeymoon period” while you may because the uphill third trimester is just around the corner.

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