September 15, 2017 3 min read

From a folic acid supplement to tracking your menstruation cycle to trying to set your partner’s mood right—there are so many things that we do to get pregnant. And, most often, it does take time—sometimes because we’re missing something; sometimes because we are doing something wrong. Yes, there are a couple of things that may be keeping you from pregnancy. Here are 5 of those.

  • The Booze and Smoke Overload

The Booze and Smoke Overload

People may convince themselves into quitting it once you have conceived. You will have to quit anyway while you are carrying and then when you are breastfeeding. However, it is important to keep your body light on booze while you are trying to conceive. Having more than a unit or two, even once a week, can lower your fertility. And smoke will also do the same to you.

  • Not Working Out at All

couch potato

Being a couch potato doesn’t create a haven for the baby to be conceived. It actually lowers down the chances of conception. Being agile and active all day helps regulate your blood pressure, which is a very important variable while you carry and deliver. An active lifestyle also regulates your cholesterol and prepares your body for maternity by increasing your stamina.

  • Binge Eating and Weight Gain

Binge Eating and Weight Gain

Well, some of us may think that eating more than usual will help the body be prepared for conception. Sadly, it is just otherwise. You must eat right and keep the weight right. Overeating and gaining weight at this time is like sabotaging Project Pregnancy. With weight gain, your BMR will plummet, and your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars may increase. In case of excessive weight gain, conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) can develop, which can cause facial hair growth, depression and even infertility.

  • Skipping Breakfast or Starving Yourself

Skipping Breakfast or Starving Yourself

Just like you shouldn’t binge, neither should you starve yourself. Skipping breakfast, especially, can lead you to nutritional deficiencies. In fact, your breakfast needs to be the heaviest of all the three square meals. It’s great to maintain a healthy weight to prepare yourself for conception as well as maternity. And having a filling breakfast is one of the ways to achieve that.

  • Stressing Out

Stressing Out

All attempts not to think about the elephant in the room make you think more about it. When you are trying to conceive, it is common to keep thinking about it. And that is what causes stress, which is one of the fiercest enemies of conception and even the process of intercourse. Stress not only causes the act of love-making to seem like a task but also causes performance anxiety as well as low sperm quality in men. It is important that you take the path to maternity in the most natural way. And this is why it’s imperative that you enjoy the entire process of lovemaking and conception. Because when you do that, the result will be natural.

We hope that knowing what not to do will also help you as much as knowing what to do.

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